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How to prepare for early season gardening

QUINCY (WGEM) – While temperatures will be warming up this week, it still might be a bit early to start working on some aspects of your garden.

The average last freeze in Quincy occurs mid-April, which means fragile plants that are not native to temperatures below freezing could die if planted too soon.

Experts say that while it’s still a bit early in the season, this week of nice weather is a great opportunity to begin cleaning up your yard, planning on what you might eventually want to plant, and making assessment on anything else your garden may need.

”Do an overall assessment and clean up first. Then, go to the garden center and you can have your list,” said Katie Ippensen, employee at Frese Ornamental Nursery. “If you have an area that you want to redo, take a picture of that and bring that in to us. That helps us get you the right plant and the right amount of plants.”

She added that plants that are currently dormant are already good to plant now, such as trees or shrubs without leaves.

If you are purchasing plants with leaves on them, they would still need to be covered with a sheet if temperatures drop below freezing.

It is still too early to plant annuals, but pansies will be ready to plant soon.

Planning to implement crabgrass control is something to have on mind, but should wait to be applied until soil temperatures reach 50° and rising in order to activate and get weed seeds to stop germinating.

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